Our Blogs


Embracing the Crucifix: The Essence of Good Friday

Embracing the Crucifix: The Essence of Good Friday

Why do Catholics have a crucifix instead of an empty cross? Protestants typically use an empty cross to symbolize the resurrection of Jesus Christ, emphasizing the belief that He has risen from the dead and is alive, no longer on the cross. This empty cross serves as...

Wellness is Not Wholeness

Do not confuse wholeness with wellness. Wellness is inherently reductionistic, traditionally defined as merely the absence of disease. This perspective has been predominantly shaped by the AMA model—rooted in the belief, as reinforced by the early 20th century Flexner...

My First Blog

My First Blog

My blogs will explore wisdom and the many individuals worldwide who have turned it into 'wisdumb,' especially in the United States. Holding a PhD. In Hebrew Bible with extensive publications, my interests span wine, philosophy, psychology, exercise, nutrition, and...

Peer Into My Soul

Peer Into My Soul

In the deepest darkness of the night,
my gut writhes in psychic pain
waiting for relief from my torment.
This sleepless night is haunted
with a rueful chimera
stalked by the ghosts of yesteryear …

Evil Cannot Quench Evil

Evil Cannot Quench Evil

Can evil quench evil
without the subject enacting evil?
Only love spawns love
good begetting good
miscreant designs
breeding only nefarious acts …



In the ineffable silence
the sun disappears
into the earth.
We sit in darkness.
Those who are blind
cannot see …



At the rising of the sun
I read your words afresh
and at its setting,
they appeared to me again.
I encountered you …

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