Peer Into My Soul
In the deepest darkness of the night,
my gut writhes in psychic pain
waiting for relief from my torment.
This sleepless night is haunted
with a rueful chimera
stalked by the ghosts of yesteryear …
In the deepest darkness of the night,
my gut writhes in psychic pain
waiting for relief from my torment.
This sleepless night is haunted
with a rueful chimera
stalked by the ghosts of yesteryear …
Can evil quench evil
without the subject enacting evil?
Only love spawns love
good begetting good
miscreant designs
breeding only nefarious acts …
In the ineffable silence
the sun disappears
into the earth.
We sit in darkness.
Those who are blind
cannot see …
At the rising of the sun
I read your words afresh
and at its setting,
they appeared to me again.
I encountered you …